Our Facilities | Eastfield Vets
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Eastfield Vets benefit from a range of first class diagnostic and treatment facilities, including:
- Digital X-ray and dental X-ray facilities
- Diagnostic ultrasound
- Video endoscopy
- State of the art dental facilities
- First class orthopaedic and soft tissue surgical facilities
- Climate controlled patient accommodation
- Separate cat and dog wards
- On-site 24 hour staffing
- Well-pet clinics
- Advice on behaviour by Julie Brewer DipAVN (Surg) VN, Dip CABT (Coape)
- Nurse training centre
- Puppy parties and training lessons
- Emergency service provided by ELEV with 24 hour inpatient care
- We offer a Pet Healthcare Scheme and can advise on Pet Insurance
- In House Laboratory