Saying Goodbye to Your Pet | Eastfield Vets
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    Saying Goodbye

As pets near the end of their life, they will eventually suffer conditions that cannot be cured and their quality of life becomes unacceptable. When this becomes the case, we are able to end their suffering with euthanasia. This peaceful and painless procedure can be carried out at either surgery or in your own home, by prior arrangement.

You may wish to be responsible for your pet’s burial yourself or you may prefer to have your pet cremated or buried at a Pets’ Cemetery. The company we use offers an excellent service, including the return of ashes in a wooden casket or scatter box, if so desired.

We recognise that this time can be very upsetting and traumatic for owners of beloved companions. We are here to support you through this difficult time and are happy to answer any queries you may have about end of life care and euthanasia, so please don’t hesitate to contact the Clinic for support.