Routine & Complex Surgeries | Eastfield Vets
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Eastfield are pleased to offer state of the art surgical facilities and Vets with advanced surgery certificates. We regularly place our surgeons on surgical training courses to maintain our up to date knowledge.

Pets are admitted for routine operations between 8.30-9.30am at North Thoresby or 8.30-10.30am at Cleethorpes, Monday to Friday. At this time you will be asked to sign a consent form and this is the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. We require animals to be admitted for operations not to have been fed since 8.00pm the night before and to have had nothing to drink from 8.00am that morning. You will usually be asked to telephone the surgery later that afternoon regarding collection.

A large proportion of pets undergo a surgical procedure or investigation involving anaesthesia at some stage in their life. For the majority this is straightforward and uneventful. However, all anaesthetics carry a degree of risk. We have striven to reduce this risk to a minimum by investing in up to date monitoring equipment and using gold standard anaesthetics. All patients are seen out personally by a vet or a nurse and are given clear post-op instructions. An appointment will be made for a post-op check in nearly all cases and this is included in the operating fee. However, if you have any questions following your pet’s operation, please don’t hesitate to call us for advice.

Eastfield have state of the art endo-surgery equipment (permitting minimally invasive visual assessment, diagnosis and treatment); including laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, rhinoscopy, cystoscopy, bronchoscopy and gastroscopy. Most surgery that can be done “open” can be performed by “key hole surgery” and we are very excited to offer this to our patients. Laparoscopic spay is faster, more comfortable for the patient, less invasive and affords faster patient recovery and reduced wound complications.
