Ways to Pay | Eastfield Vets
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    Fees and Ways to Pay

Animal health care requires the same high level of training, skill and hygiene as for humans. In addition to business overheads, the cost of purchasing and maintaining new surgical and medical equipment as well as stocking a wide range of drugs is very high, as is employing and training highly qualified support staff.

The diagnostic treatments and procedures available today continue to develop rapidly. This means that the cost of running a veterinary practice and providing a service 365 days a year is substantial. This level of service can only be maintained by charging a realistic fee and we would request that, wherever possible, fees are paid for at the time of treatment. Please feel free to ask for an estimated cost for any procedure we recommend. We are happy to do this for you, but please bear in mind that it is not always possible to accurately predict the exact level of treatment required before it has started.

We can accept payment by cash, cheque or card. Card payments can be taken over the telephone for items such as repeat prescriptions.

All veterinary fees are subject to VAT. Please see our Terms and Conditions page for more information.
